Supreme Court Seal
Supreme Court Seal
South Carolina
Judicial Department
Supreme Court Published Opinions - May 2014

Note: Beginning in June 2012, opinions will be posted as Adobe PDFs. You can download a free copy of Adobe Reader here.

The summary following each opinion is prepared to offer lawyers and the public a general overview of what a particular opinion decides. The summary is not necessarily a full description of the issues discussed in an opinion.

5-14-2014 - Opinions

27387 - York County v. SCDHEC

This case is dismissed as improvidently granted.

5-21-2014 - Orders

ORDER - In the Matter of Edwin Donald Givens
The Office of Disciplinary Counsel asks this Court to place respondent on interim suspension pursuant to Rule 17 of the Rules for Lawyer Disciplinary Enforcement (RLDE) contained in Rule 413 of the South Carolina Appellate Court Rules (SCACR). 
5-28-2014 - Opinions

27388 - In the Matter of Bruce Hoffman

This is an opinion publicly reprimanding a lawyer.

27389 - In the Matter of David Swanner

This is an opinion definitely suspending a lawyer.

27390 - State v. Cheeks

27391 - Allegro v. Scully

The Court remanded the case to the Court of Appeals to consider the defendants' argument that the trial judge erred in denying the defendants' directed verdict and JNOV motions.

27392 - Tant v. SCDOC

The Court holds when the Department of Corrections must give an inmate formal notice when it decides to amend its original recordation of his sentence and advise him of his opportunity to be heard through the grievance procedure. It further holds the Department is confined to the face of the sentencing sheets in determining the length of a sentence, but may refer to the sentencing transcript if there is an ambiguity in the sentencing sheets.