Supreme Court Seal
Supreme Court Seal
South Carolina
Judicial Branch
Court News ...
New Technology Initiative to Provide Probate Court Web Sites

On October 11, 2004 Chief Justice Toal addressed the South Carolina Probate Judges Association. Her presentation outlined a new technology initiative aimed at making South Carolina's probate courts more accessible online. The goal of the new initiative is to provide a web presence for each probate court in South Carolina. Currently less than half of the state's probate judges have a web site.

The new web sites will include a biography of the probate judge, information about probate court functions, contact information, access to the latest forms, helpful links and information about court fees. The sites will be hosted by the South Carolina Judicial Department and will provide the judges and their staff with user-friendly administration screens to build and maintain the web pages. Training classes will be scheduled in January 2005.