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South Carolina
Judicial Branch
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Harriett McBryde Johnson
2005 Recipient of the Jean Galloway Bissell Award

Photo of Harriett McBryde Johnson and Chief Justice Jean Hoefer Toal
Chief Justice Toal and Harriett McBryde Johnson

Harriett McBryde Johnson received the Jean Galloway Bissell Award at a reception on Octber 13, 2005. The award is named for Jean Galloway Bissell (1936-1990), a lawyer who blazed a trail for other South Carolina women lawyers in fields as diverse as the private practice of law, banking and the federal judiciary.

Recipients of the award are recognized by the South Carolina Women Lawyers Association for their distinguished and noteworthy service to the public and to the legal profession; achievement of professional excellence; and participation in activities that have paved the way to success for women lawyers on the national, state or local level.