Supreme Court Seal
Supreme Court Seal
South Carolina
Judicial Branch
Advisory Opinions
These advisory opinions have been issued by the Advisory Committee on Standards of Judicial Conduct. Rule 503(D), SCACR, provides the following regarding these opinions: "All opinions shall be advisory in nature only. No opinion shall bind the Commission on Judicial Conduct in any proceeding properly before that body. However, in the discretion of the Commission on Judicial Conduct, an opinion of the Committee may be considered as evidence of a good faith effort to comply with the Code of Judicial Conduct."
Propriety of a circuit court judge’s involvement in adult child’s political campaign.

Propriety of a part-time magistrate creating a non-profit civic organization for women in the community.

Propriety of a part-time Municipal Bonding Judge working as a part-time utility clerk for the same municipality in which the judge serves.

Propriety of a family court judge presiding over cases where one of the attorneys was reported to the Office of Disciplinary Counsel by the judge as part of another case.

Propriety of a circuit court judge presiding over cases where the judge’s child is member of the law firms representing a party.

Propriety of a full-time magistrate court judge encouraging others to make non-monetary donations (i.e. canned goods, used clothing, or toys) to nonprofit organizations.

Propriety of an attorney/County Council member running for reelection also submitting his/her name for a circuit court judgeship.