Annual Reports
Common Pleas
Summary of Pending Common Pleas Cases by Circuit/County | Shows the number of cases pending at the end of the period and how many cases are of a certain age by county, circuit and statewide. Shows which circuits are meeting the benchmark. |
Summary of Pending Common Pleas Cases by Circuit Benchmark GRAPH | Shows a bar graph for each circuit and how close the circuit is to meeting the benchmark for pending cases. The goal is to have 80% of the circuit's pending cases at or above the benchmark |
Summary of Pending Arbitration/Mediation Cases | Shows the number of cases pending at the end of the period and how many cases are of a certain age by county, circuit and statewide. Shows which circuits are meeting the benchmark. |
Filed Civil Nature of Action Filings | Shows the number of cases filed by type of nature of action, statewide figures only. |
Family Court
Summary of Pending Family Court Cases by Circuit/County | Shows the number of cases pending at the end of the period and how many cases are of a certain age by county, circuit and statewide. Shows which circuits are meeting the benchmark. |
Summary of Pending Family Court Cases by Circuit Benchmark GRAPH | Shows a bar graph for each circuit and how close the circuit is to meeting the benchmark for pending cases. The goal is to have 80% of the circuit's pending cases at or above the benchmark |
Filed Family Court Nature of Action Filings | Shows the number of cases filed by type of nature of action, statewide figures only. |
General Sessions
Criminal Records Summary of Activity by Circuit/County | Shows the number of cases pending as of the first of period, number of cases filed, number of cases disposed, and the number of cases pending as of the end of the period by county, circuit and statewide. |
Summary of Pending General Sessions Cases by Circuit Benchmark GRAPH | Shows a bar graph for each circuit and how close the circuit is to meeting the benchmark for pending cases. The goal is to have 80% of the circuit's pending cases at or above the benchmark |
Criminal Records Management Average Age of Pending and Disposed Cases | Shows the number of cases pending as of the first of period, number of cases filed, number of cases disposed, and the number of cases pending as of the end of the period by county, circuit and statewide. |
Criminal Records Management Age of Pending Cases | Shows the number of cases pending as of the first of period, number of cases filed, number of cases disposed, and the number of cases pending as of the end of the period by county, circuit and statewide. |
Summary of Criminal Record Dispositions by Type | Shows the number of criminal cases disposed with details on convictions, non-convictions and other types of disposition figures for county, circuit and statewide. |
General Sessions Dispositions By All Offenses | Shows the number of criminaloffenses disposed by type of disposition, statewide figures only. |
Probate Court
Estate Work Load Report | Shows the number of cases pending as of the first of period, number of cases filed, number of cases disposed, and the number of cases pending as of the end of the period by county, circuit and statewide. |
Guardian Work Load Report | Shows the number of cases pending as of the first of period, number of cases filed, number of cases disposed, and the number of cases pending as of the end of the period by county, circuit and statewide. |