Supreme Court Seal
Supreme Court Seal
South Carolina
Judicial Branch
Appellate Court Rules
I. Applicability and General Provisions
101 Scope and Title
102 Effective Date and Repealer
II. Rules of Appellate Practice
A. Appeals
201 Right to Appeal
202 Designation of Parties and Definitions
203 Notice of Appeal
204 Transfer of Cases
205 Effect of Appeal
206 Cases Involving Multiple Notices of Appeal
207 Transcript of Proceeding
208 Initial Briefs
209 Designation of Matter to be Included in the Record on Appeal
210 Record on Appeal
211 Final Briefs
212 Supplemental Record
213 Amicus Curiae Brief
214 Consolidation
215 Submission Without Oral Argument
216 Notice of Oral Argument
217 Motion to Argue Against Precedent
218 Oral Argument
219 Hearing or Rehearing of Cases by the Court of Appeals En Banc
220 Opinions
221 Rehearing and Remittitur
222 Costs On Appeal
223 Arbitration of Appeals
B. Petitions and Motions
240 Motions and Petitions Generally
241 Stay and Supersedeas in Civil Actions
242 Certiorari to the Court of Appeals
243 Certiorari to Review Post-Conviction Relief Actions
244 Certification of Questions of Law
245 Original Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
246 Stay in Criminal Cases
247 Certiorari to Review DNA Testing Decisions
C. General Provisions
260 Dismissal and Reinstatement
261 Agreements and Settlements
262 Filing and Service
263 Time
264 Substitution of Attorneys and Guardians
265 Substitution of Parties
266 Subsequent Applications for Relief
267 Form of Papers
268 Citation of South Carolina Authority
269 Frivolous Appeals, Petitions, Motions or Returns
270 Forms
Appendices to Part II
Appendix A Table of Comparative Rules
Appendix B Appeals Chart
Appendix C Forms
IV. Rules Governing the Practice of Law
401 Student Practice
402 Admission to Practice Law
403 Trial Experiences
Certificate (Acrobat version)
404 Admission Pro Hac Vice
Pro Hac Vice Application Form
405 Limited Certificate of Admission for In-House Counsel
Application for a Limited Certificate to Practice Law (Word Version)
406 Disposition of Fees
407 Rules of Professional Conduct
  Preamble A Lawyer's Responsibilities
  Client-Lawyer Relationship
  RULE 1.0 Terminology
  RULE 1.1 Competence
  RULE 1.2 Scope of Representation and Allocation of Authority Between Client and Lawyer
  RULE 1.3 Diligence
  RULE 1.4 Communication
  RULE 1.5 Fees
  RULE 1.6 Confidentiality of Information
  RULE 1.7 Conflict of Interest: Current Clients
  RULE 1.8 Conflict of Interest: Current Clients: Specific Rules
  RULE 1.9 Duties to Former Clients
  RULE 1.10 Imputation of Conflicts of Interest: General Rule
  RULE 1.11 Special Conflicts of Interest for Former and Current Government Officers and Employees
  RULE 1.12 Former Judge, Arbitrator, Mediator or Other Third-Party Neutral
  RULE 1.13 Organization as Client
  RULE 1.14 Client With Diminished Capacity
  RULE 1.15 Safekeeping Property
  RULE 1.16 Declining or Terminating Representation
  RULE 1.17 Sale of Law Practice
  RULE 1.18 Duties to Prospective Client
  RULE 1.19 Succession Planning
  RULE 2.1 Advisor
  RULE 2.2 Reserved
  RULE 2.3 Evaluation for Use by Third Persons
  RULE 2.4 Lawyer Serving as Third Party Neutral
  RULE 3.1 Meritorious Claims and Contentions
  RULE 3.2 Expediting Litigation
  RULE 3.3 Candor Toward the Tribunal
  RULE 3.4 Fairness to Opposing Party and Counsel
  RULE 3.5 Impartiality and Decorum of the Tribunal
  RULE 3.6 Trial Publicity
  RULE 3.7 Lawyer as Witness
  RULE 3.8 Special Responsibilities of a Prosecutor
  RULE 3.9 Advocate in Nonadjudicative Proceedings
  Transactions With Persons Other Than Clients
  RULE 4.1 Truthfulness in Statements to Others
  RULE 4.2 Communication with Person Represented by Counsel
  RULE 4.3 Dealing with Unrepresented Person
  RULE 4.4 Respect for Rights of Third Persons
  RULE 4.5 Threatening Criminal Prosecution
  Law Firms and Associations
  RULE 5.1 Responsibilities of Partners. Managers, and Supervisory Lawyers
  RULE 5.2 Responsibilities of a Subordinate Lawyer
  RULE 5.3 Responsibilities Regarding Non Lawyer Assistants
  RULE 5.4 Professional Independence of a Lawyer
  RULE 5.5 Unauthorized Practice of Law; Multijurisdictional Practice of Law
  RULE 5.6 Restrictions on Right to Practice
  RULE 5.7 Responsibilities Regarding Law Related Services
  Public Service
  RULE 6.1 Voluntary Pro Bono Publico Service
  RULE 6.2 Accepting Appointments
  RULE 6.3 Membership in Legal Services Organization
  RULE 6.4 Law Reform Activities Affecting Client Interests
  RULE 6.5 Nonprofit and Court Annexed Limited Legal Services Programs
  Lawyer Advertising
  RULE 7.1 Communication Concerning a Lawyer's Service
  RULE 7.2 Advertising
  RULE 7.3 Solicitation of Clients
  RULE 7.4 Communication of Fields of Practice and Specialization
  RULE 7.5 Firm Names and Letterheads
  Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession
  RULE 8.1 Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters
  RULE 8.2 Judicial and Legal Officials
  RULE 8.3 Reporting Professional Misconduct
  RULE 8.4 Misconduct
  RULE 8.5 Disciplinary Authority; Choice of Law
408 Continuing Legal Education and Specialization
409 Resignation
410 South Carolina Bar
411 Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection
412 Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts (IOLTA)
413 Rules for Lawyer Disciplinary Enforcement
  RULE 1 Purpose
  RULE 2 Terminology
  RULE 3 The Commission on Lawyer Conduct
  RULE 4 Organization and Authority of the Commission
  RULE 5 Disciplinary Counsel
  RULE 6 Commission Counsel
  RULE 7 Grounds for Discipline; Sanctions Imposed; Deferred Discipline Agreement
  RULE 8 Proof
  RULE 9 Civil Rules Applicable
  RULE 10 Right to Counsel
  RULE 11 Ex Parte Contacts
  RULE 12 Access to Disciplinary Information
  RULE 13 Immunity from Civil Suits
  RULE 14 Time, Service and Filing
  RULE 15 Oaths; Subpoena Power
  RULE 16 Lawyers Charged With or Convicted of a Crime
  RULE 17 Interim Suspension
  RULE 18 Notification to Complainant; Limited Right to Review
  RULE 19 Screening and Investigation
  RULE 20 Motion by Disciplinary Counsel to Re-Open Dismissed Complaints
  RULE 21 Discipline by Consent
  RULE 22 Formal Charges
  RULE 23 Answer
  RULE 24 Failure to Answer; Failure to Appear
  RULE 25 Discovery
  RULE 26 Hearing
  RULE 27 Review by Supreme Court
  RULE 28 Cases Involving Allegations of Mental or Physical Incapacity
  RULE 29 Reciprocal Discipline and Reciprocal Incapacity Inactive Status
  RULE 30 Duties Following Disbarment or Suspension, or Permanent Resignation
  RULE 31 Order of Receivership
  RULE 32 Reinstatement Following a Definite Suspension of Less Than Nine Months
  RULE 33 Reinstatement Following a Definite Suspension for Nine Months or More or Disbarment
  RULE 34 Employment of Lawyers Who Are Debarred, Disbarred, Suspended, Transferred to Incapacity Inactive Status, or Permanently Resigned in Lieu of Discipline
  RULE 35 Resignation in Lieu of Discipline
414 Limited Certificate to Practice Law for Clinical Law Program Teachers
415 Limited Certificate of Admission for the Retired Attorney Pro Bono Participation Program
  Pro Bono Application
416 Resolution of Fee Disputes Board
  RULE 1 Creation
  RULE 2 Jurisdiction
  RULE 3 Appointment and Tenure
  RULE 4 Duties
  RULE 5 Appointment of the Executive Council
  RULE 6 Circuit Panel
  RULE 7 Hearing Panel
  RULE 8 Assigned Member
  RULE 9 Rule Exclusive Upon Consent
  RULE 10 Commencement of Proceedings
  RULE 11 Investigation by Assigned Member
  RULE 12 Schedule of Proceedings
  RULE 13 Proceedings of the Board
  RULE 14 Appointment of Hearing Panel
  RULE 15 Panel Hearings
  RULE 16 Voluntary Termination
  RULE 17 Hearing Panel
  RULE 18 Conflicts of Interest
  RULE 19 Compliance
  RULE 20 Appeals
  RULE 21 Proceedings Confidential
  RULE 22 Amendments to Rules
417 Financial Recordkeeping
  RULE 1 Recordkeeping Generally
  RULE 2 Client Trust Account Safeguards
  RULE 3 Availability of Records
  RULE 4 Dissolution of Law Firm or Sale of Law Practice
  RULE 5 Authorized Electronic Transfers
  RULE 6 No Bearer Items
418 Advertising and Solicitation by Unlicensed Lawyers
419 Administrative Suspensions
420 Chief Justice's Commission on the Profession
421 Certification of Attorneys in Death Penalty Cases
Application For Certification as Lead Counsel for Death Penalty Defense (Word version)
Application For Certification as Lead Counsel for Death Penalty Defense (Acrobat version)
422 Commission on Alternative Dispute Resolution
423 Certificates of Good Standing
424 Licensing of Foreign Legal Consultants
Application for Certification as a Foreign Legal Consultant
425 Mandatory Lawyer Mentoring Program
426 Provision of Legal Services Following Determination of Major Disaster
427 Limited Certificate of Admission for Judge Advocates
Judge Advocate Limited Certificate Application
Notice of Appearance Form
428 Intervention To Protect Clients
429 Certification of Paralegals
430 Limited Certificate of Admission for Military Spouse Attorneys
Military Spouse Attorneys Certificate Application
Appendices to Part IV
Appendix A Rules of the Board of Law Examiners
Appendix B Rules and Regulations of the Committee on Character and Fitness
Appendix C Regulations for Mandatory Continuing Legal Education
Appendix D Regulations for Legal Specialization
Appendix E Regulations for Specialty Fields
Appendix F Regulations for the Chief Justice's Commission on the Profession
Appendix G Regulations for the Commission on ADR
Appendix H Regulations for Certification of Paralegals
V. Rules Governing the Judiciary, Employees of the Judicial Department, and Others Assisting the Judiciary
501 Code of Judicial Conduct
  Canon 1 A Judge Shall Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary
  Canon 2 A Judge Shall Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All of the Judge's Activities
  Canon 3 A Judge Shall Perform the Duties of Judicial Office Impartially and Diligently
  Canon 4 A Judge Shall So Conduct the Judge's Extra-Judicial Activities as to Minimize the Risk of Conflict With Judicial Obligations
  Canon 5 A Judge or Judicial Candidate Shall Refrain From Inappropriate Political Activity
  Application Application of the Code of Judicial Conduct
502 Rules for Judicial Disciplinary Enforcement
  RULE 1 Purpose
  RULE 2 Terminology
  RULE 3 The Commission on Judicial Conduct
  RULE 4 Organization and Authority of the Commission
  RULE 5 Disciplinary Counsel
  RULE 6 Commission Counsel
  RULE 7 Grounds for Discipline; Sanctions Imposed; Deferred Discipline Agreement
  RULE 8 Proof
RULE 9 Civil Rules Applicable
RULE 10 Right to Counsel
RULE 11 Ex Parte Contacts
RULE 12 Access to Disciplinary Information
RULE 13 Immunity from Civil Suits
RULE 14 Time, Service and Filing
RULE 15 Oaths; Subpoena Power
RULE 16 Judges Charged With or Convicted of a Crime
RULE 17 Interim Suspension
RULE 18 Notification to Complainant; Limited Right to Review
RULE 19 Screening and Investigation
RULE 20 Motion by Disciplinary Counsel to Re-Open Dismissed Complaints
RULE 21 Discipline by Consent
RULE 22 Formal Charges
RULE 23 Answer
RULE 24 Failure to Answer; Failure to Appear
RULE 25 Discovery
RULE 26 Hearing
RULE 27 Review by Supreme Court
RULE 28 Cases Involving Allegations of Mental or Physical Incapacity
502.1 Judges’s Oath
503 Advisory Committee on Standards of Judicial Conduct
504 Continuing Legal Education of the Judiciary
505 Judges' Disability and Retirement
506 Code of Conduct for Staff Attorneys and Law Clerks
Canon 1 A Staff Attorney or Law Clerk Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary and of His Office
Canon 2 A Staff Attorney or Law Clerk Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All His Activities
Canon 3 A Staff Attorney or Law Clerk Should Perform the Duties of His Office Impartially and Diligently
Canon 4 A Staff Attorney or Law Clerk May Engage in Activities to Improve the Law, the Legal System, and the Administration of Justice
Canon 5 A Staff Attorney or Law Clerk Should Regulate His Extra-Official Activities to Minimize the Risk of Conflict with His Official Duties
Canon 6 A Staff Attorney or Law Clerk Should Regularly File Reports of Compensation Received for Quasi-Official and Extra-Official Activities
Canon 7 A Staff Attorney or Law Clerk Should Refrain From Certain Political Activity
Canon 8 A Staff Attorney or Law Clerk Should Not Reveal the Confidences Gained in the Course of His Employment
507 Political Activity of Judicial Department Employees and Officers
508 Court Reporters
509 Certification of Magistrates
510 Continuing Legal Education For Magistrates and Municipal Judges
511 Rules of Professional Conduct for Court Interpreters
RULE 1 Accuracy and Completeness of Interpretation
RULE 2 Representation of Qualifications
RULE 3 Impartiality and Avoidance of Conflict of Interest
RULE 4 Professional Demeanor
RULE 5 Confidentiality
RULE 6 Restriction of Public Comment
RULE 7 Scope of Practice
RULE 8 Assessing and Reporting Impediments to Performance
RULE 9 Duty to Report Ethical Violations
RULE 10 Professional Development
512 Mandatory Summary Court Judge Mentoring Program
VI. Rules Governing the Administration of the Courts
601 Conflicts in Hearing Dates
602 Defense of Indigents
603 Paper Size
604 Attorneys or Court Officers as Surety
605 Media Coverage of Court Proceedings
606 Retention and Disposition of Exhibits in the Circuit and Family Courts
607 Court Reporter Transcripts and Recordings
608 Appointment of Lawyers for Indigents
609 Rules Advisory Committee
610 Bulk Distribution of and Compiled Information From Judicial Records
611 Emergency Modification of Requirements of Court Rules
612 Use of Remote Communication Technology
613 Service by Electronic Means in the Trial Court
614 Electronic Signatures
APPENDIX A Defense of Indigents Forms
APPENDIX B Media Coverage of Court Proceedings