(a) All fee disputes should be resolved within six (6) months. The assigned member's report should be completed within thirty (30) to ninety (90) days after being forwarded by the circuit chair. A fee dispute may not exceed six (6) months without the written consent of the circuit chair for good cause shown. Any extension of time granted by the circuit chair must be for a specified period of time which shall be the least amount of time deemed necessary to resolve the dispute.
(b) If an assigned member does not respond to reminders from the Bar office, the Bar office will notify the circuit chair.
(c) If a fee dispute has been assigned and is pending, without an extension approved by the circuit chair,
(1) more than ninety (90) days, then the circuit chair may, at his or her discretion:
(A) reassign the fee dispute;
(B) if the amount exceeds $7,500, appoint a hearing panel, which shall schedule a hearing within thirty (30) days
(2) more than six (6) months, then the circuit chair shall, with the concurrence of the Executive Council Chair:
(A) reassign the fee dispute;
(B) if the amount exceeds $7,500, appoint a hearing panel, which shall schedule a hearing within thirty (30) days; or
(C) return all investigative notes and application to the designated Bar staff member for investigation as the assigned member.
In these events, the original assigned member shall immediately turn over notes and files to the circuit chair.
(d) If the circuit chair is delinquent, then the case may be reassigned to the Executive Council Chair or the Executive Council Chair's designee.
Last Amended by Order dated December 6, 2011.