RULE 428
(a) The Executive Director of the South Carolina Bar, upon receipt of a written report or referral pursuant to Rule 5.1, RPC, Rule 407, SCACR; pursuant to Canon 3, CJC, Rule 501, SCACR; or from a member of the South Carolina Bar expressing concern about cognitive impairment of another lawyer shall take such actions as he or she deems advisable. Upon the Executive Director's recommendation, the President of the Bar may appoint one or more Attorneys to Intervene. The Attorneys to Intervene shall attempt to meet with the lawyer alleged to be impaired and, if in the best interest of both the lawyer and the public, propose a course of conduct to be followed.
(b) The Attorneys to Intervene shall promptly report to the Executive Director whether any actions were recommended to the lawyer, whether the lawyer agreed to any recommendations, and whether further action is recommended. Further action may include action under Rule 28, RLDE, Rule 413, SCACR. In the event a referral to the Office of Disciplinary Counsel is recommended by the Attorneys to Intervene, that referral shall be made by them promptly.
(c) The Attorneys to Intervene, the Executive Director of the South Carolina Bar, and the President of the Bar shall be immune from civil action for their actions taken in good faith under this rule. Information received by those Attorneys shall not be forwarded to the Office of Disciplinary Counsel in the event that a referral is not recommended under paragraph (b).
Amended by Order dated October 23, 2019.