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South Carolina
Judicial Branch
E-Filing Home  >> Attorney FAQs  >> Technology Requirements FAQs
E-Filing Attorney FAQs

Technology Requirements

1.  What is technically required to E-File?

The South Carolina E-Filing system is a secure web-based application that can be accessed by authorized users. Therefore, a valid username and password and a connection to the internet using a browser is required.

All documents except for Proposed Orders must be uploaded in PDF format (.pdf).  The Proposed Order must be uploaded in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format, with certain exceptions made for Proposed Consent Orders signed by non E-Filers.

2.  What browsers are supported by the E-Filing system?

The South Carolina E-Filing system will run in Internet Explorer 9, Internet Explorer 10, Internet Explorer 11, Internet Explorer 12, Safari, Firefox and Chrome. It has not been tested on other browsers.

3.  Are there specific browser settings that must be enabled, e.g., session cookies or Javascript?

Yes.  Javascript and session cookies must be enabled. Also, if your browser is set to block all pop-ups it may be necessary to allow them, if prompted.

4.  Can I access E-Filing through an Apple product such as iPhone or iPad?

E-Filing can be accessed on your iPhone or iPad for the purpose of viewing your cases, notifications, and filings.

5.  Can I E-file through an Apple device such as an iPhone or iPad?

No. You may only E-File using a device that supports the storage of .PDF or Microsoft Word documents. E-Filing requires that you upload your documents in these formats to the E-Filing System.

6.  Are there any other technical recommendations?

Filers may find that a PDF printer/converter is a useful tool to have installed on their computer or laptop. This tool allows you to print your NEFs in PDF format, which may be saved to your hard drive, rather than printing the NEF on paper in order to save a copy. NEFs may also be printed and scanned for this purpose. There are many reliable, free,PDF printers available over the internet. 

Also, a scanner may be necessary because original documents filed as attachments must be scanned and E-Filed in PDF format. Scanned documents should be scanned in black and white, at low resolution, and at 300 dpi or less. Documents should not be scanned in color unless color is necessary to maintain the integrity of the document or evidence.

More complete instructions concerning the conversion and scanning process are contained the the Filer Interface User Guide.