Statistical Trends
Common Pleas | |
Cases Filed, Disposed and Pending Statewide 1998 thru Current | Table and graph showing the statewide number of filings, dispositions and cases pending at the end of the year. Covers the time period from 1998 thru the most recent fiscal year. |
Changes in Case Loads and Court Terms Statewide 1978 thru Current | Table showing statewide figures and how these figures have changed both in total number and percent from year to year. Includes figures on filings, dispositions and average time for dispositions, pending cases and average age for pending cases, and changes in court terms held. |
Cases Filed by Circuit/County 1997/98 thru Current | Table showing for each county and circuit the number of cases filed from 1997/98 thru the current fiscal year. Includes a graph showing statewide trends. |
Cases Disposed by Circuit/County 1997/98 thru Current | Table showing for each county and circuit the number of cases disposed from 1997/98 thru the current fiscal year. Includes a graph showing statewide trends. |
Cases Pending End of Period by Circuit/County 1997/98 thru Current | Table showing for each county and circuit the number of cases pending at the end of the year 1997/98 thru the current fiscal year. Includes a graph showing statewide trends. |
Family Court | |
Cases Filed, Disposed and Pending Statewide 1998 thru Current | Table and graph showing the statewide number of filings, dispositions and cases pending at the end of the year. Covers the time period from 1998 thru the most recent fiscal year. |
Changes in Case Loads and Court Terms Statewide 1978 thru Current | Table showing statewide figures and how these figures have changed both in total number and percent from year to year. Includes figures on filings, dispositions, pending cases, and changes in court terms held. |
Cases Filed by Circuit/County 1997/98 thru Current | Table showing for each county and circuit the number of cases filed from 1997/98 thru the current fiscal year. Includes a graph showing statewide trends. |
Cases Disposed by Circuit/County 1997/98 thru Current | Table showing for each county and circuit the number of cases disposed from 1997/98 thru the current fiscal year. Includes a graph showing statewide trends. |
Cases Pending End of Period by Circuit/County 1997/98 thru Current | Table showing for each county and circuit the number of cases pending at the end of the year 1997/98 thru the current fiscal year. Includes a graph showing statewide trends. |
General Sessions | |
Cases Filed, Disposed and Pending Statewide 1998 thru Current | Table and graph showing the statewide number of filings, dispositions and cases pending at the end of the year. Covers the time period from 1998 thru the most recent fiscal year. |
Changes in Case Loads and Court Terms Statewide 1998 thru Current | Table showing statewide figures and how these figures have changed both in total number and percent from year to year. Includes figures on filings, dispositions, convictions and non-conviction (for warrants not defendants), pending cases, and changes in court terms held. |
Cases Filed by Circuit/County 1997/98 thru Current | Table showing for each county and circuit the number of cases filed from 1997/98 thru the current fiscal year. Includes a graph showing statewide trends. |
Cases Disposed by Circuit/County 1997/98 thru Current | Table showing for each county and circuit the number of cases disposed from 1997/98 thru the current fiscal year. Includes a graph showing statewide trends. |
Cases Pending End of Period by Circuit/County 1997/98 thru Current | Table showing for each county and circuit the number of cases pending at the end of the year 1997/98 thru the current fiscal year. Includes a graph showing statewide trends. |