Supreme Court Seal
Supreme Court Seal
South Carolina
Judicial Branch
2017-02-08-01 (Superseded by Order 2017-02-24-01) (Superseded by Order 2017-12-20-02)

The Supreme Court of South Carolina



Pursuant to the provisions of S.C. CONST. Art. V, §4,

The Honorable Roger M. Young, Sr. shall continue to serve as the Chief Business Court Judge for Administrative Purposes.

As such, Judge Roger M. Young, Sr. is authorized, on a statewide basis, to sign for the Chief Justice in the acceptance or denial of cases to the Business Court.  This authority includes the ability to assign individual cases to Business Court Judges, and to perform other duties as required by the Chief Justice's Business Court Pilot Program Order dated February 8, 2017.

This order shall remain in effect until amended or rescinded by the Chief Justice.

s/Donald W. Beatty                     
Donald W. Beatty
Chief Justice of South Carolina

Columbia, South Carolina
February 8, 2017